
Our monthly meetings


Featured news articles from our work


Scientific publications and presentations of our work

Group Meeting Recordings

Meeting 18: Apr. 23rd

Robert Shortt from UC Berkeley gives us an update on the fluxes from Delta eddy covariance sites and new LiDAR drone survey data.

Meeting 17: Mar. 9th

JJ and Sylvain share some adventures, processes, and data from the Elkhorn Slough eddy covariance towers.

Meeting 16: Feb. 20th

Kelley Le from the ECCLPS project at UCI tells us about their work expanding climate literacy in CA. 

Meeting 15: Jan. 23rd

Stephanie Martinez from UCI showcases her award-winning StoryMap on the Tijuana River Estuary, emphasizing wetlands, justice, and our project.

Meeting 14: Dec. 19th

Christina Toms from the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board introduces us to the San Francisco Estuary Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program (WRMP).

Meeting 13: Nov. 21st

Emilio Grande talks about his work constraining flow directions, water ages, and nutrient cycling in salt marsh systems.

Meeting 12: Oct. 18th

Kyra shares an update from the Policy and Governance team.

Meeting 11: Sept. 19th

Ross Clark and Kevin O'Connor will be sharing information the work of the Central Coast Wetlands Group.

Meeting 10: Aug. 15th

Pam Rittelmeyer from UC Davis presents on the challenges governance faces in adaptive management.

Meeting 9: Jul. 17th

Patty Oikawa from CSUEB shares her research on wetlands and the information from Edan Landing.

Meeting 8: May. 16th

Lisamarie Windham-Myers and Eric Ward from the USGS tell us about the Land Use and Carbon Scenario Simulator (LUCAS) model and its application to wetlands.

Meeting 7: Apr. 18th

Katherine and James go into detail on their work regarding wetlands and environmental justice and equity.

Meeting 6: Mar. 21st

Andrew Plantinga discusses the work his lab has been doing to optimize wetland restoration.

Meeting 5: Feb. 22nd

Monique Fountain discusses building resilience in a California coastal salt marsh.

Meeting 4: Jan. 17th

Ariane presents her research on understanding carbon fluxes within tidal and non-tidal restored wetlands in the San Francisco Bay-Delta

Meeting 3: Dec. 20th

Ariane presents on her research understanding carbon fluxes within tidal and non-tidal restored wetlands in the San Francisco Bay-Delta

Meeting 2: Nov. 15th

Members of the modeling team give the group an update on modeling approaches.

Meeting 1: Oct. 18th

In this first meeting each team gives an update on their status.

In the News

Oct. 2023
Researchers restoring California salt marshes from effects of climate change

CBS News reports on our Elkhorn Slough wetland restoration project

Sep. 2023
Love Letters to California

The New York times features our work on the restoration of the Dutch Slough tidal marsh

Sep. 2023
Restored Delta tidal marsh fights climate change and attracts wildlife, native species

The Mercury News features our work on the restoration of the Dutch Slough tidal marsh

July 2023
From Carbon, to Communities, and the Classroom: Extending the Impact of Research Beyond the Science Itself

The Delta Council profiles our research and outreach with the Dutch Slough and Knightsen school

May 2023
Tidal Exchange: Elkhorn Slough Foundation Newsletter

In their spring newsletter, the Elkhorn Slough Foundation explores carbon's varied roles in climate change, emphasizing wetlands as crucial carbon sinks for mitigating its effects.

May 2023
The Human Story of Wetlands

Understanding the cultural value of wetlands in California and policy barriers impeding their protection

SF Chronicle
Apr. 2023
Why the Bay Area is home to one of the most effective carbon sinks in the world

Managed and restored wetlands can act as powerful carbon sinks, as well as providers of a diverse set of ecosystem services. Read more about the CA-DWR Dutch Slough restoration project from the SF Chronicle.

SF Chronicle
Dec. 2021
$63 million wetland restoration could be a blueprint for how California adapts to climate change. But it’s taking forever

UCSC leads a large collaborative effort to develop guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness of coastal wetlands as a climate mitigation solution with multiple benefits

Dec. 2021
Optimizing coastal wetland restoration for carbon capture and storage

UCSC leads a large collaborative effort to develop guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness of coastal wetlands as a climate mitigation solution with multiple benefits

Publications and Presentations

Annual Progress Report -
Year 2
Jan. 2024
Annual Progress Report - Year 1
Jan. 2023
Carbon Offset Presentation Slides: Nov. 2023
Marsh Subsidence Presentation Slides: Oct. 2023
Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Presentation Slides: Oct. 2022